Equine Massage for Horse Owners
Understand your horse, unlock their potential ✨
Learn how to identify pain and restriction
Maybe your horse seems “fine”. They don’t display any outward behavior but you just have a hunch something is off. This is what you need - this course provides an easy to follow roadmap to identifying pain and restriction in your horse.
Gain an understanding of basic anatomy
We delve into simple anatomy of the horse (nothing overwhelming here, I promise!) including the main superficial muscles and important skeletal landmarks, giving you the confidence to clearly understand your horse’s basic anatomy.
Learn a variety of massage and stretching techniques
We break the horse down into sections and delve into the anatomy, function, and health of each muscle group. You’ll be taught 2-4 massage and stretching techniques per area to then be able to apply directly to your horse! The content is bite-sized and tangible, making it easy for anyone to understand.
Massage & Stretching Techniques
Head (TMJ, Temporalis, Masseter, Poll)
Neck (Rhomboid, Thoracic Sling)
Shoulder (Triceps)
Girth (Ascending Pectorals)
Back (Longissmus Dorsi)
Hind End (Glutes, Hamstrings, Tensor Fascia Latae)
Course Outline
Considerations Before You Begin
Equine Muscle Structure
Equine Skeletal Structure
Equine Bony Landmarks
You may be thinking, this all sounds great… but how much does it cost? The Barrio Equine Massage for Horse Owners course is available for a single payment of $219.
I use the word investment intentionally - this course is not something you “do” once and that’s it… it's the gaining of knowledge that you will now carry for life. For better or worse, you’ll never be able to look at your horse the same again. You’ll have a newfound pride in understanding how your horse functions and how to best support them to reach their full potential.
Powered through Kajabi, the online course is easy to access, easy to navigate, and easy to understand. The course includes coaching on 20+ easy to apply massage techniques and stretches that you can start using on your horse today! Over 90+ minutes of video broken into bite-sized pieces so you can easily digest and understand the techniques.
Unlimited access to watch and re-watch the videos as needed plus full access to any course updates for life.